…hung up on someone for being completely obnoxious, even if it’s allegedly your job to take their bullshit?
…laughed hysterically out loud at the use of the word “vagina” as if you were a 13-year old boy?
…completely tuned someone out and just stared absently in the general vicinity of their face?
…rocked out to ELO’s “Don’t Bring Me Down” at your desk, regardless of who’s watching?
…picked a wedgie on a crowded train during rush hour?
…wished with all your might to re-live a certain time in your life?
…decided that you’re done working, despite there being 2 solid hours left in your day?
…cried unabashedly over nothing in particular yet everything all at once?
…read a fantastic book, then mourn the ending like a death simply because it’s over?
…given a stranger the stink eye just because you’re in a bad mood and they happen to bump into you on the subway?
…loved someone so completely that your heart literally HURT?
…looked deep into the eyes of your 6-year old nephew and told him to never change?
…had the bright spot of your day be a TV show (ahem, Lost)?
…known you’re destined for greater than where you are in life right now, but are not quite sure of your path?
…woken up on an early spring morning, giddy with anticipation of what lies ahead?
…been assured you made the right decision, just by a single word?
…really stopped and thanked God for the life you live, obstacles and all?